September 2017

Newa’s New Kitchen

In the fall of 2012, the new house was finished at Gethsemane Home. One of the great things about the new house was that it gave Newa a big kitchen. Over the last several years, Newa has cooked thousands of meals in her kitchen. But there are a couple of issues for Newa that come from cooking inside, smoke and grease.

During our visit to Thailand earlier this year, we noticed that Titus had started making a place for Newa to cook outside. Most of the dishes have been washed outside for a long time, but now most of the cooking would also be done outside. The ladies in our group noticed that the floor of the outside kitchen and bathroom area was gravel and wanted to use some of their funds to have the floor in that area tiled.

We are happy to announce that Titus has finished Newa’s outside kitchen!

Two Themes, One Mission

This summer Under the Son Ministries was the mission for the VBS programs of two different churches. The theme for Sheridan Christian Church’s VBS was “Maker Fun Factory” in which they raised money for a new water cooler at Gethsemane Home. Additional funds were raised to buy clean drinking water for the home.

At Ravenwood Christian Church, their VBS theme was “Rome: Paul and the Underground Church.” The mission’s money they raised will be used to buy cement blocks and roof tile for the new mission house in the village of Patang MuSur.

We thank both churches for their support of the ministry.

Planting Rice

I think I can safely say that they eat a lot of rice in Thailand! One of the first things they do each morning is start cooking rice.

The price of rice has gone up over the years. Five years ago they could buy a bag of rice for between 500 and 600 baht. Today they travel about an hour and a half away to buy rice for 770 baht. If they have to buy rice in Doi Saket, they pay 1,030 baht for a bag.

This year Titus rented 6½ rai of land so he could grow rice to offset the cost of feeding the family at Gethsemane. The rice that he grows will also be used during harvest and Christmas celebrations, camp, and Bible training sessions. Under the Son paid to have the field tilled and for the workers who planted the rice.

Church Dedication

In our last newsletter we shared with you the latest developments on the recently purchased land across the road from Gethsemane. At the end of June we reported that the church was nearing completion. Upon Steve’s arrival in Thailand in early August, it was decided to have the dedication of the new church on August 26th. There were still several things to do to prepare for the dedication, so any free time that was available was spent finishing the church and bathrooms. As the day approached, flower arrangements and programs were made. Food was purchased and prepared to be served after the dedication.

The ceremony began with Bundit welcoming everyone to the dedication. Next Steve had the honor of leading everyone in prayer, cutting the ribbon, and opening the church doors. Once inside there was prayer, singing, and eleven specials from different churches and groups. The director of the Associated Churches in Thailand spoke to over 300 people in attendance. He talked about the fact that this church was just a building. That as Christians we are the church, the body of Christ. We are disciples and need to go tell others about Jesus.

The service ended with prayers being offered for several church leaders in attendance. The dedication of this church celebrates the completion of the first phase of the building projects on the new land.

What’s Next

Sometimes it’s hard to keep everyone updated on all the different activities of the Under the Son Ministries staff in Thailand. They are involved in building projects, supplying food to villages, camps, baptisms, Bible trainings, church visits, and children’s activities. Whether they are meeting physical needs or spiritual needs, there is always something going on.

The next few months will be no different. In October they will be building a new mission house in the village of Patang Musur for Judah and Leah. Also, over the next couple of months many of the villages will be holding harvest celebrations, and this is a great opportunity for the Christians to share their faith in Christ. Titus also expressed a desire to travel to Tak province and hold Christmas celebrations. There are five Lahu Shehleh villages in Tak and very few Christians. We ask that you would be praying for these upcoming events.